You will more than likely be camping in the summer months when you have the most amount of day time and sunlight available to you. 5 Ways You Can Charge a Phone While Campingīelow I have 5 options that I have used to ensure my mobile, laptop, and even tablets have been charged for a whole trip. With a little pre-planning, you will be able to take hundreds of Instagram worthy photos and stay in touch with friends and family for your whole camping trip. Luckily we are at a point in time which means you have numerous options when it comes to charging your mobile while on a camping trip and without any source of electricity. On the other hand, if you are like most that go camping you will not have any access to any facilities, never mind a phone charging facility. If you are camping on a campsite then you will be incredibly lucky to have an outlet to use.
So you have decided a camping trip is on the agenda and you have realized that your new fancy mobile device will not last the whole duration of your 3-day trip.